CLOTH TOKEN FIRST CRYPTOATIVE IN THE TEXTILE SEGMENT IN THE WORLD CLOTH TOKEN, is a decentralized digital asset that unites Blockchain technology with the physical world, where we bring opportunity for all people to do art of an Investment Structure in the textile area of Clothing and Stamping, Packaging and Graphic Printing Where investors have the opportunity for gains in the appreciation of the token that occurs naturally, in addition to from the buy and burn 3% of all project fees. The Cloth Token Project seeks, through decentralized fees, to apply the acquired capital so that they can boost production and maximize the growth of the Cloth Token, with this having an active return for DeFi, the Token will receive 60% of Net Income from monthly production, through the purchase and direct burning of the token. SUPPLY 1B Initial burn of 60% (600 MILLION) CURRENT SUPPLY (PANCAKESWAP 300 MILLION) 40% OF THE FACTORY'S NET INCOME WILL BE USED FOR GRAPHIC PURCHASES AND BURNINGS