WELCOME UFCB DEX UFCB TOKEN CREATOR UFC BETS UFCB TOKEN CREATOR - UFCB SWAP & BETTING PLATFORM LAUNCHED UFC BETS TOKEN UFCB FIGHTS The World’s 1st UFC-BETS Platform UFCBets TOKENOMICS UFCB employs 4 functions: BUSD rewards, marketing & buyback wallets, LP acquisition. Transactions on buys and sells are taxed a 10% fee which is split 4 ways. 4% BUSD rewards automatically be redistributed to holders 3% used for marketing UFCB 2% will be used to buyback from market 1% added directly to Liquidity pool 1 Quadrillion total supply UFCB is automatically paired with BNB and added as a liquidity pair on Pancake Swap. ABOUT US UFCBets Token Launched In March 2023, UFCB Token Is A Community Utility Token - Built To Provide Something New And More Fun Within Crypto. Launched On BSC (Binance Smart Chain) Which Is Also Decentralised. UFCB Token's Aim Is To Be A Community Driven Token. Made Up Of Combat Sports And Cryptocurrency Enthusiasts From All Around The World Who Show The True Passion Of What UFCB Token Is And What Is Going To Be As We Develop Over Our Upcoming Stages We Have Planned In Our Road Map.