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Roshambo - The Next Generation AI Based Social Platform. Roshambo is an AI - based social platform that will connect people across the globe. Roshambo will provide opportunity to find someone that interests you whether its for dating, work or just building a community. The true mashup of Tinder, LinkedIn and Telegram. It is not just a text and talk platform but it opens the door to the Roshambo world in Metaverse where the opportunities, fun and entertainment is endless. Roshambo is here to change how people meet in this new digital world taking the billion dollar industry to the Next Generation. The goal is to bring people closer to each other in a more fun and engaging way. So we decided to Gamify the social space. Roshambo will be the place where people can be themselves. Find and connect with people who interests you and share the same interests as yours. We want to open up dating, professional, community space outside of just plain texting and make it more real by bringing Roshambo world in Metaverse where they can do all the things they would do in real world. Like grab a beer at a bar, going to a games event, or sitting in a lounge, make friends or party in a disco club...endless possibilities of what you can do with people you meet in Roshambo!

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Launch Date

June 14th 2023


June 9th 2023
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